A parts warranty is a promise from the manufacturer and the dealer, by which ensuring the replacement or repair of defective components within a specific period. Also, you are protected from the hidden defects or design errors.
As general rule, warranty of 12 months comes with every machine that we sell, but there is also possible that an extended warranty to 24 months to be offered on request against an additional fee. During the warranty period, parts that can be defective are replaced free of charge, if the conditions for warranty have been fully respected.

Our suppliers deliver spare parts for 10 years lifetime of the machine. The software of the machines is also stored in the archives of our suppliers, despite the rapid change and progress of the technology, and can be released against a slight fee.
Generally, the machines are built using parts that can be easily purchased from multiple sources, both trough the original parts channels, as well as through alternative sources providing after market parts. Some sets of spare parts are available for purchasing from the very first delivery of the machine, so that you can have a safe stock of spare parts.

Related accessories to your machines are also available to be purchased, in case you need them when buying the machine, or anytime afterwards as an upgrade to the general capability of the machine.
By purchasing these accessories from us, you have the comfort and guarantee of a perfectly integrated structure and proper functionality of the whole assembly of the installation or line in operation.
It is very often the case that when implementing a project of investments, people prefer to start with the basic machines, and afterwards to make an upgrade, once that other needs occur, and additional cash is available for upgrading the initial investment.

To see interesting projects, which may be close, or even similar to the project you want to develop or implement, but also other development and investment ideas, we recommend you access USEFUL INFO.
By going to APPLICATIONS or REFFERENCES, you can discover projects for which we have been, either consulted as specialists in processes and technologies, or requested to install and put into operation various machinery.
Our high responsiveness to your needs and good availability for any assistance or support you might need are already recognized by our partners and recommend us a reliable support for your business.

0040 722 463 725
0040 736 446 020